Time Duration Calculator

Time Duration Calculator

This Time Duration Calculator allows users to input multiple time ranges and calculate the duration between the start and end times for each entry.

Easily Find the Difference Between Two Times

Do you want to know how much time has passed between two moments? Our Time Duration Calculator helps you quickly find the difference between two times.


Whether you are tracking work hours, planning a schedule, or just curious about how long something lasted, this tool makes it super easy!

How to Use the Time Duration Calculator?

  1. Enter the Start Time – Select the time and date when your event started.
  2. Enter the End Time – Choose the time and date when it ended.
  3. Click “Calculate” – Instantly see the total hours, minutes, and seconds between the two times.
  4. Add More Time Ranges – Want to calculate multiple durations? Click “Add Time Range” and include extra entries.

Example Calculation

Let’s say you start studying at 10:30 AM and finish at 3:15 PM. The calculator will show:


  • 4 hours and 45 minutes
  • 285 minutes
  • 17,100 seconds

If you want to convert minutes to hours, simply divide the minutes by 60. For example, 120 minutes = 2 hours.

Convert Time Easily

Our tool works as a:

Minutes to Hours Converter – Quickly convert minutes to hours for easy calculations.
Minutes to Seconds Converter – Find out how many seconds are in a given number of minutes.
24-Hour Clock to 12-Hour Converter – Easily change between AM/PM format and the 24-hour clock system.

Work Hours Calculator – Track Your Working Time

If you need to calculate work hours, this tool is perfect! Just enter your clock-in and clock-out times, and it will calculate the hours and minutes worked for you.

Calculate Time Between Two Dates

Need to calculate time between two dates? This tool also works as a time difference calculator.


Enter two different dates, and it will tell you exactly how many days, hours, minutes and seconds are between them.

How to Manually Calculate Time Duration?

If you want to do it yourself, follow these simple steps:

  1. Convert the time to a 24-hour clock format – Example: 2:00 PM = 14:00
  2. Subtract the Start Time from the End Time – Example: 14:00 – 10:30 = 3 hours 30 minutes
  3. If needed, adjust minutes and seconds separately

Try the Time Duration Calculator Now!

Why waste time doing the math when you can get accurate results instantly? Use our Time Duration Calculator today and make your time calculations easier than ever!

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